Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 30-November 3: Halloween!


We had a busy week last week and we did fill our heart jar. The children voted to have an extra long recess and since Friday was such a beautiful day, that's what we did at the end of the day. We also had our first "Second Grade Book Buddy" meeting on Thursday and we met in the outdoor classroom space. Ms. Warnock's class was amazing and the kindergarteners enjoyed hearing the books they picked out for us. We had a whole school community meeting as well and discussed the importance of honesty and we were introduced to a school wide initiative to collect cans of food for a local food pantry. Mrs. Kane has more about that in her newsletter.

This coming week-

Tuesday is Halloween: HERE is the information for room 103

Thursday is Shaker Lane's first CULTURAL FAIR! It will be from 5:30-7:00 and will be a fun, informative night for families.

The children will:

Language Arts-

  • learn a new trick word- play
  • learn to recognize, name and produce the sounds of letters p, j 
  • identify the beginning sound in a word and listen if a word ends in the /p/  sound 
  • put letters in ABC order
  • match lower to upper case letters
  • practice writing the letters learned to date with a mulitsensory approach 
  • arrange word card to make simple sentences to practice sight words and 1:1 correspondence when reading


  • counting forward to and backwards from 10
  • drawing to represent an add/sub problem
  • using objects to represent add/sub story
  • matching numbers to quantity
  • comparing numbers 0-10
  • counting with 1:1 correspondence
  • participate in a "Monster STEM" project 
  • continue to compare leaves and trees 
Social Emotional-
  • second step lesson #9- same or different (it is ok if you are not exactly the same as your friends!). This will help the children understand the concept of acceptance.
Here are some pictures from last week!
BOOK BUDDIES! It was so fun for me to see so many of my former students reading confidently to my new students! 

choice time creations!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Oliveri for being
our mystery reader!


writing number sentences to
match Halloween objects
adding 2 dice and recording the results
in a graph

roll a die, put that many spiders on the straw
and then count to see who has more

Shakey came to our community meeting!


practicing sight words!

matching beginning sounds
roll a letter and write it

matching upper/lower case letters

ABC order dot to dot
roll a letter and write it

chopping word chunks in a word
(syllable practice:)


writing number sentences to
match Halloween objects
adding 2 dice and recording the results
in a graph

roll a die, put that many spiders on the straw
and then count to see who has more

Drawing to represent a number story: