Hello and Happy Fall,
We had a great, long week of school last week and the students were pretty spent by Friday afternoon! They worked and played hard:). Many of the students are still figuring out that school is quite different from home and that listening, especially while in a large group, is very important! Any practice at home with focusing and following simple directions would benefit many! 👏
We will have our first whole school AND kindergarten community meetings this coming week. For those of you who ordered books from Scholastic, they came in on Friday and I will put them in your child's backpack Monday.
**Thank you to the Doane Family for donating all 8 of the light filtering covers! The students love the "clouds" and I love the softer light it provides- no more harsh florescent! We all appreciate it so much! 💖
**Thank you to the Selvido Family for the donation of an alphabet arc! We are using this fun tool to practice trick words during Daily 5. 💖
It will be an expectation going forward for the children to put their work in a 2 pocket folder after completion. Hopefully, their papers will make it home without being too crumpled! If your child does not have one, no worries! I got the students each a new one to replace the "less than sturdy" ones I passed out in Aug. and will give them a more substantial one on Monday. Please help your child and make sure it is in their backpack each day- THANK YOU!💕
- learn to write, name and differentiate between the vowel sound of i, u, (both short and long sounds)- vowels are very tricky!
- continue to practice t, b, f, m, n
- learn the new trick word: the
- continue our Wit and Wisdom lessons about the 5 senses but with a different book- We will use Aliki's My 5 Senses
- differentiate which group has less/more
- practice writing numbers 0-5
- match numbers to quantities
- sequence numbers 0-10
- draw or represent numbers 0-5
- learn how to use "self talk" as a strategy for remembering directions (Second Step lesson #4)
- learn the difference between expected and unexpected behaviors (Social Thinking lesson #5)
- review and practice what the H (honesty) in H.E.A.R.T looks like in a classroom and on the playground
- continue to review how to be a good friend and what it looks like at school
- practice independence and problem solving during work time
- continue to explore magnets and build marble runs
- continue to learn about our 5 Senses and how we learn about our world using them
- learn that trees can look very different from each other
The children voted with a "magic wand" if the object started with an /m/ or not....
Partner work during Wit and Wisdom with our book