I am excited to see you at our parent orientation on Tuesday September 10th at 5:45 in room 103. There will be a lot of information...please do come with questions or concerns!💖
It has been wonderful getting to know your children. We began "academics" this past week. The children are learning how to work independently. This is a process for sure! Any practice at home with having your child do a few things "on his/her own" would benefit this process. For example, asking your child to pick up some toys or give him/her a challenge to build something independently with blocks/Legos and tell them you will check back in a few minutes to see their progress (but do not do it for them:).
HERE is a short article with some realistic suggestions on how to build independence in your child.
This week, the students will:
- focus on the letters t, b, f
- learn a new "trick word"= like
- differentiating between the beginning sounds t, b, f
- continue our module 0 in Wit and Wisdom using the book Wild About Books
- represent numbers 0-5 with objects and or pictures
- sequence numbers 0-5
- name numbers 0-5
- count to 10 in a variety of ways (orally as well as dot to dot counting)
- name shapes and recognize shapes in our environment
- complete Second Step lesson #2: focusing attention (I will pass out a home link at our Parent Orientation)
- practice Social Thinking lesson 1 and 2 (whole body listening and voice levels)
- voice levels
- learn more about the components of H.E.A.R.T
- continue to build our classroom community, review classroom rules and learn each others' names
- explore the "take a break" space
- participate in yoga exercises!