Sunday, November 19, 2023

November 20-22- THANKSGIVING!


Hello Families,
This week will be a short one...but very busy! We will continue to learn about the letters v, w and will participate in lots of themed activities!
I have had a lot of requests for "Mystery Readers" and, because the schedule is full, I want to provide you with some more options. It was my hope to have parent volunteers in the classroom this past month. Due to some unforeseen schedule changes, it has been difficult to schedule those times. I am hoping to be able to have more volunteer opportunities after the new year- so be on the lookout for a new calendar of opportunity 😂 !

Theme: Thanksgiving

K Word: review
Song: Albuquerque the Turkey
Since this a short week (only 2  1/2 days), our format will be a little different. Rather than our language arts groups, we will spend each day learning about various aspects of the first
Thanksgiving in America. We will learn several facts about Thanksgiving and write about them. A turkey theme will be integrated into our math centers. We will also learn about Native Americans and how they helped the Pilgrims survive.

  • Monday: The children will listen to the story The Pilgrims First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern. The story describes what role the children played in the early years in this country. They worked as hard as the adults and had to overcome great adversity. Did you know that a sign of good manners was for the children to eat their meals standing up! They had to wear their hats and could not speak unless an adult spoke to them first. We will try this for our snack time! We will also do some “turkey math”.

  • Tuesday: The children will learn a bit about the Wampanoag Indians who were living in the area near Plymouth when the pilgrims first settled. Squanto, one of the Native Americans, lived with the pilgrims and taught them how to hunt, plant and fish in the new country. He even introduced the new settlers to popcorn. Did you know that popcorn was served at the first Thanksgiving? We will explore some Native American pictographs, which were an early form of writing. The children will use some of these pictographs to “write a story”. I will attempt “Native American Storytelling” by telling the children a story about my name and will demonstrate my Native American flute.

  • Wednesday: On Wednesday, we will hear a story about being thankful and then brainstorming the things for which we are thankful. The Children will then complete a writing/art project that will demonstrate what they are thankful for. It will be a 12:15 dismissal for the whole school.

We would like to wish you and
your family a very Happy
Thanksgiving- Enjoy!
~💖Michelle and Jen

Here are a few pictures from last week:
THANK you to Mr. Datla for being
our mystery reader! 

Working on beginning sounds in small groups and making an "awful waffle"!

Beginning sounds activity!

Book Buddies💕

Toy Day...sharing toys from home with classmates💞

Hat Day!

Happy Birthday to this special guy!

everyone needs some glitter in their life...watching the glitter fall 
to help us relax:)