Friday, November 1, 2024

Nov. 4-8th: NEW THEME!


Happy Diwali to all who celebrate! We will learn about this festive holiday later in the school year. ENJOY!

Last week was a very busy, fun week in room 103! This week is going to be a fractured week, which is tough for consistency in the classroom. We have been working really hard on listening to teachers' directions and following those directions. The students are also working on not talking out of turn. Overall, the children are understanding what "independent work time" looks like and sounds like. They are getting so good at the routines and I love seeing the friendships forming! I have a lot to talk to you about at our November conference...(hint to sign up😂).

I will be sending home Scholastic Book order forms (look for them this week). If you would like to order books and would like it to be a surprise for your child for the holidays (or whatever), just let me know and I will set them aside when they come in and you can pick them up at our conference on 11/15 if they arrive by then. Otherwise, I will send them home in your child's backpack. The Scholastic Book Club is a great way to get amazing books at a fair price. Our classroom gets points for every dollar spent and I collect those points and get things for the classroom (like books, the little couch, academic games, supplies, etc). So, make sure to add our class code if you choose to order! The orders will be due by 11/8.

We will be reviewing all the letters learned to date since we did not have a lot of Daily 5 time last week. We will begin a new module in Wit and Wisdom and our theme will be FARMS.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, our class has "adopted a calf" as a fun enrichment experience to complement our new theme: FARMS! This week, there is a "vote for your favorite calf" campaign (our own version of the election:). If you get a chance, please vote for our Bonnie anytime between 11/4-11/6! Your child may be bringing home a flyer to ask some family members- feel free to share the QR code💖.

This coming week:
  • Tuesday- no school for students
  • Wednesday- Family Cultural Night 5:00-7:00 at SL
  • Friday- Live "favorite calf election" results!
In Language Arts, students will:
  • learn a new sight word: is 
  • practice ABC order
  • match upper/lower case
  • identify beginning sounds in words (and the letter of that sound if learned formally)
  • listen for and try to identify the ending sound in a word
  • retell a story (about Mama and Baby Echo)
  • learn proper letter formation and practice letter writing
  • listen and work with the book The Three Little Pigs
  • listen to a non fiction book about farms              

In Math, students will:

  • use mental images to show adding to 5
  • use mental images to show subtraction through 5
  • solve word problems to 5
  • count and compare numbers to 10
  • sequencing numbers
Science- continue to practice coding skills

Social Studies- learn a little about Veteran's Day, the election and a farm community

Here are some pictures from last week!
Making Haunted Houses and 5 Little Pumpkins on a Gate (tracing, cutting, coloring and gluing)

The Imagatorium!
Coding, building and exploring with science!

Daily 5 (labeling, sorting sounds, identifying beginning sounds and clapping our syllables- all with a Halloween theme)

A huge thank you to Rosie for being our Mystery Reader!

HALLOWEEN - a STEM project (making a monster) and our parade! A huge thank you to our room moms for the yummy snacks, too:)
Millie could not decide what to be so...
she opted to be a "bee-witch princess!"

getting ready!

sing a long!